Bee Swarms
But you needn’t contact a bee removal service immediately when you find a bee swarm or colony. When bees swarm, they are looking for a new home and they are very docile because they are loaded with honey. If they are hanging on a tree limb, they're just tired. Give them their space and they will usually leave within a day or two after they've had their rest.If they don’t leave after a few days, or if they have taken up residence inside a structure, you will probably want to contact a beekeeper for bee removal services. Bee removal services to homeowners and commercial sites are part of a beekeeper’s business, so you should expect to pay a fee to have a swarm removed. Do give the bees every chance, since bees are an important resource and shouldn’t be needlessly exterminated.
If you need other bee-related services, you can check a national website for beekeeping and products. Click on ‘Swarm Removal’ and be sure to ask whomever you contact whether bees are relocated or exterminated. Note that not all of our local beekeepers are listed on this site.