Shrub- Prostrate chamise
Botanical Name: Adenostoma fasciculatum 'Nicholas'
Family: Rosaceae
Description: Dark-green, needle-like foliage, stays low to ground; native to California and Baja California chaparral
Sun: Full sun to part shade (inland)
Water: Drought tolerant
Soil: Adaptable except alkaline
Habit and form: Slow growing evergreen shrub, 1-3 feet tall to 3-5 feet wide. Mounding, then spreading growth
Flower type: Clusters of small flowers 1-3 inches long at ends of branches
Flower color & bloom season: Small, white flowers are short lived but progress from rust to chocolate colors. Blooms profusely in late spring and early summer
Uses, if any, for plant and/or flowers: Use in median strips, rock gardens or containers
Pruning time & method: Regular light pruning to keep small and compact