California Invasive Species Action Week

Jul 16, 2014

CA fishandwildlife
The 2014 California Invasive Species Action Week starts Saturday, August 2nd through Sunday, August 10th.

The goal of the Action Week is to increase public awareness of invasive species issues and promote public participation in California's fight against invasive species and their impacts on our natural resources.

Prevention is the most effective strategy in managing invasive species. However, hundreds of invasive plants and animals have already established in California and are rapidly spreading each year. These invaders are negatively impacting our waters, our native plants and animals (some of them rare, threatened or endangered), our agriculture, our health, our economy, and our favorite recreational places. Help us celebrate the inaugural California Invasive Species Action Week, and more importantly, help stop the spread of invasive species, by volunteering to take action.

Learn more about the 2014 California Invasive Species Action Week and what you can do!