Heritage Museum Roses are Back

May 1, 2014

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On January 25th, a throng of eager pruners – Master Gardeners and members of the public - did a job Edward Scissorhads would be proud of, trimming over 160 rosebushes at Heritage Museum in Santa Ana. Now the rosebushes have recovered and bloomed forth in abundance. The pruning allowed the roses to build up strength for a new season and also eliminated disease carryover from the previous year. The roses are tended twice a month by Master Gardeners to keep the garden looking its best and to have a great venue for rose growing instruction.

If the roses in your garden have given you that great first flush of blooms, continued care can keep you in roses throughout the summer. Be sure to deadhead regularly, cutting the stems back to a cluster of 5 leaves. Check for diseases and remove diseased leaves promptly. May diseases and pests can be controlled with insecticidal soap. For more information, visit the ornamental plant section of this website.