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How do I get a school garden at the school my child attends?

The Master Gardeners who are in charge of our School Garden projects and workshops tell the parents at their workshops to talk to the kids' teachers and try to get them excited.  The Master Gardeners working with School Gardens will go out to the school and do a consultation, but are usually looking for commitment from the teachers/school administration to support the garden.

When you have a commitment from the school, please write us back at hotline@uccemg.com for a school gardens consultation.  We will set up time to meet at the school with the interested parties.  At that point we could discuss the amount of help we can provide.

You may also want to check out the California School Garden Network website:  www.csgn.org.  You can find a lot of the workshop materials, a manual on setting up a school garden, fund raising/grants for schools and some videos at this website.