Pest Information
Hotline Services
The hotline can help you solve garden problems as well as identify plants and pests. If photos would help us identify your problem, you can attach them to your e-mail to
The County's Agricultural Commissioner has a free identification service. Samples are being sent up to Sacramento for identification. Once the disease or pest is identified you will receive a letter in the mail. There are no call backs.
UC IPM Website provides information about pest identification and management. You can select your plant and see a list of all possible problems that can affect your plant. There are photos to help you narrow down your search.
Visit the Pest Note Index if you know the name of your pest.
UC also has resources about Invasive and Exotic Pests.
Retail nursery and garden centers are among the top sources of pest management information for home gardeners. To help provide customers with the latest pest information from the University of California, the UC Statewide IPM Program created the Retail Nursery and Garden Center IPM News, a three times yearly e-newsletter for retail nursery and garden center employees, managers, owners, and affiliates.
Orange County Invasive Pests