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Composting Video Series

The Compost Video Series is a project provided by the Orange County Master Composters.  The goal is to give you an overview of composting, tips for building your own composting project, and help with trouble shooting.

Master Composter Logo

If you are have a Mac, use Chrome for your browser to watch these videos.  They require Flash and do not seem compatible with Safari.

Please click a link below to view one or all of the videos in the Composting Video Series.

What is Composting?
How to start a compost pile
How to turn a compost pile
What type of compost bin to use
What does NOT go in a compost pile
Trouble shooting your compost pile
What is Hot Method? What is Cold Method?
How long does it take to make compost?
Why are these bugs in my compost pile?

Please click a link below to view one or all of the videos in the Vermiculture - Composting with Worms Video Series.
What is Composting with Worms?
What is a Worm Compost Bin?
Where To Place A Worm Bin
What Kind Of Worms Do You Use?
Worm Food
How Do I Feed The Worms?

What is Composting?