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Zoom - Bees and Butterflies
Contact: remusser@ucanr.edu
Sponsor: UCCE Master Gardeners of Orange County

Ready for another rendition of the birds and the bees – from the gardeners’ point of view? It’s called pollination – the loving interplay between pollinators and flowers that keeps the ecosystem in balance (and food on our tables!).

The UC Master Gardeners of Orange County will weave the story of the importance, evolution, and methods of pollination, then introduce you to the main characters: honey bees, wasps, butterflies, moths and hummingbirds. They won’t leave out the lesser-known pollinators such as flies, beetles and bats. Along the way, they’ll discuss bee nesting habits, host and nectar plants, and causes of the decline in bee population. Finally, you will pick up some tips on attracting and saving pollinators.

Zoom registration