Annual- Arroyo Lupine
Reseeds itself easily...
Perennial- Artemisia 'Powis Castle'
Silvery, lacy, drought tolerant...
Perennial- Beach Evening Primrose
Grows in sand...
Perennial- California Buttercup
Bright yellow flowers...
Perennial- California Fuchsia
Very showy flowers...
Perennial- California Poppy
California state flower...
Perennial- Cleveland Sage
Very showy, fragrant...
Perennial- Hairy Golden Aster
Bright yellow blooms...
Perennial- Hummingbird Mint
Orange and lavender colors...
Perennial- Hummingbird Sage
Hummingbird magnet...
Perennial- Jerusalem Sage
Woolly leaves and flowers...
Perennial- Jerusalem Sage, Pygmy
Woolly yellow flowers...
Perennial- Yarrow
Carefree, blooms all summer...
Shrub- Bougainvillea 'Rosenka'
Beautiful against a wall...
Shrub- Brittlebush
Lots of yellow daisies...
Shrub- Bush anemone
Fragrant white flowers...
Shrub- California Copperleaf
Evergreen and blooms...
Shrub- California Sunflower
Beautiful cut flower...
Shrub- California White Sage
Silvery white in the moonlight...
Shrub- Coffeeberry
Berries turn the color of coffee...
Shrub- Compact chamise
Slow growing evergreen...
Shrub- Indian Mallow
Showy flowers, attractive leaves
Shrub- Island Tree Mallow
Fast growing hedge...
Shrub- Mock Orange
Flowers smell like oranges...
Shrub- Prostrate chamise
Ground cover...
Shrub- San Diego Mountain Mahogany
Little to no water...
Shrub- Wand Holdback
Unusual plant for dry gardens...
Shrub-Tree- Blue Elderberry
Berries for jam or wine...
Shrub-Tree- California Mountain Mahogany
Tolerates dry soil...
Shrub-Tree- Ceanothus
California Lilac...
Shrub-Tree- Manzanitas
Ground cover to tree-like...
Shrub-Tree- Western Redbud
Striking pea-shaped flowers...
Tree- California Buckeye
Tree- Palo Verde
Well adapted to dry gardens...
Vine-Shrub- California Honeysuckle
Good on slopes...