Listen To "Bare Roots & Square Foot Gardening " on In The Garden Radio

Jan 20, 2021

Bare Roots & Square Foot Gardening
This week on In the Garden with UC Master Gardeners, we have a twofer for you! Both topics are relevant for this time of year.

One topic is Bareroots. UCCE Master Gardener and KUCI staff host Teena Spindler will speak with Gary Matsuoka, a local nurseryman, about one of the most time-sensitive task in the winter garden - planting bareroot nursery material.

Now is that time once again and you'll hear what it takes to successfully plant and grow plant material which is sold, not in pots, but wrapped in plastic with limited moisture-retaining media. Proper planning is important so get your helpful hints here before venturing out to the garden center. Plus Mark Fierle talks with Certified Square-foot Garden teacher Daniel Abair. Learn how to grow in raised beds using the square-foot gardening techniques. This novel concept of gardening was developed by Mel Bartholomew. Imagine how to get all the harvest of typical row gardening in just 20% of the space!

Learn more and listen to "In The Garden" radio show podcasts.

Podcast Topic: Bare Roots & Square Foot Gardening

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